Colors in themes.xml in Android

Colors in themes.xml in Android

The 6 common color attributes are -

  1. colorPrimary
  2. colorPrimaryVariant
  3. colorOnPrimary
  4. colorSecondary
  5. colorSecondaryVariant
  6. colorOnSecondary



The primary brand color of your app displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and components

Default Value -> #6200EE


A lighter/darker variant of your primary brand color used sparingly in theming

Default Value -> #3700B3


The color used for elements displayed on top of your primary colors (eg. Text and icons, often white or semi-transparent black depending on accessibility)

Default Value -> #FFFFFF


The secondary brand color of your app, used mostly as an accent for certain widgets that need to stand out

Default Value -> #03DAC6


A lighter/darker variant of your secondary brand color used sparingly in theming

Default Value -> #018786


The color used for elements displayed on top of your secondary colors

Default Value -> #000000

By changing these six color attributes, you can easily change the style of all the Material components to which your theme is applied.

There are some other branding colors in the Material Design Color theming system which define your UI and ensures accessible color combinations.
These additional color attributes are as follows -


The background color appears behind scrollable content.

Default Value -> #FFFFFF


The color used for elements displayed on top of your background color

Default Value -> #000000


The color used for surfaces (i.e. Material “sheets”) Surface colors affect the surfaces of components, such as cards, sheets, and menus.

Default Value -> #FFFFFF


The color used for elements displayed on top of your surface color

Default Value -> #000000


Error color indicates errors states, for components such as text fields (often a shade of red)

Default Value -> #B00020


The color used for elements displayed on top of your error color

Default Value -> #FFFFFF

The end

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